How the body works

  • Causes of Brittle Hair/Nails and What Herbs Can Fix It?

    Much like your skin, other things can reveal a lot about your internal wellbeing. And while good quality, non-toxic nail and hair products might do some temporary good on the outside, what you need is a more natural solution that can fix what's happening on the inside.
  • 4 Simple Steps to Staying Healthy and Fit

    So, you’ve finally decided to act upon the long-delayed task in your to-do list, i.e., working on your health and fitness. Congratulations, you have won half the battle. Committing to a healthy lifestyle may seem like a very difficult and tedious task that you’ve to be a fitness junkie to do. However, essentially, it only requires you to make a few basic changes in your lifestyle.

    Following are the four basic habits that are essential to staying fit and healthy: