Wellness and Mind

  • Why It Is Necessary to Show Emotions

      From a young age, we are made to believe that expressing emotions is a sign of weakness. It shows the other person that you have a soft heart and...
  • Healing loneliness

    Being alone, we can look deeper into the essence of our thoughts and ourselves. Solitude provides a resource to reflect on the important things without distraction, to notice correlations that previously eluded us. And in general, to truly feel your depth — which is easy to lose in the whirlwind of daily events and communications.
  • Reflection: the essence of self-improvement

    Each of us has the ability to draw attention inward, to be aware of our thoughts, states, moods and sensations. Using this ability, we can see ourselves from the outside. This ability is called reflection.
  • Bystander effect: why do we often walk by when someone needs help?

    Imagine this situation: you are walking along a busy street when a man near you gets ill. Will you help him or will you decide that there are enough other people around to provide help? Alas, the latter option is more likely to happen. And not because you are a "bad person", but because the bystander effect is at play.
  • How many senses does a person have?

    How many senses does a person have? Vision, hearing, taste, olfaction, and haptic perception...that makes five. The sixth sense is usually considered the ability to foresee the future. But is there anything that we forgot?
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