Healthy Skin Habits – Incorporating Herbs into Your Skincare Routine

Healthy Skin Habits

For whatever reason, all of us have taken to the belief that good hair and skin can only be achieved by investing in high-end brands and products that cost an arm and a leg. That’s a major skincare myth, and it’s about time we debunk it. You can easily achieve healthy and youthful skin with the common plants, herbs, and flowers gifted to us by Mother Nature.

The key to a good skincare regime is knowing the ingredients and using them the right way. Let’s check out some of the most beneficial herbs and plants for our skin:

The most beneficial herbs for our skin

●     Green Tea

Green tea has endless benefits, but most of us relate it to weight and physical health. You’d be surprised to know that green tea is also quite good for our skin. A high concentration of catechins gives green tea strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties, making it an ideal concoction for healthy skin. Another unexpected benefit of green tea is that it helps people cut back on coffee and tea, and milk. Knowing that dairy products are the cause of acne in many people can help improve skin health.

The skin benefits of green tea do not end here. The topical application of green tea is just as magical and helps to soothe skin, treat redness, prevent uneven pigmentation, and thicken the epidermis. It is also gentle and generally suitable for people with sensitive skin.

If you are prone to sunspots, a green tree tincture is your best choice. It inhibits the enzyme that causes hyperpigmentation; hence, applying skincare with green tea under your sunscreen before heading out can reduce your chances of sunburn and spots.  

Improve skin health

●     Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its spice-kick sweet flavor that makes a great addition to desserts. But do you know that it is also a great herb for zits and acne? Cinnamon works on the skin by inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria on the skin. It is packed with more antioxidants than blueberries.

Incorporate it into your skincare routine to keep the zits at bay.

Cinnamon for skin

●     Horsetail

Shave grass or horsetail makes an excellent exfoliant, and exfoliants are the best discovery to ever happen for skincare. Since horsetail is an astringent with silica, it helps make the skin more supple and soft. You can add a drop of horsetail tincture to your tea, or you can use it topically in the dried powdered form.

Pro Tip – Add the powdered horsetail to your bath for a full-body exfoliation.

Horsetail for skin

The Final Word

These are some of the best-known herbs for improving skin health and appearance.

Some honorable mentions include calendula and chamomile.  Calendula is best for dry skin and is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Chamomile, on the other hand, helps battle pre-mature wrinkles. Incorporate these herbs into your skincare routine, either in the form of tinctures or using skincare products with these herbs to address various skin care concerns and improve skin health in general.

In addition to using herbs, make sure you’re cleansing your face properly and regularly, using sunscreen, moisturizing your skin, eating healthy, and drinking enough water. All these are essential steps to maintain healthy, glowing skin.

If you wish to shop a variety of herbs for a more natural and gentle skincare journey, head over to the HerbEra to find fresh herbs of unmatched quality.

best-known herbs for improving skin health

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