Top 3 Herbs You Should Take on Vacations

Going on a vacation is one thing in life that never loses its charm. From kids to elderly, everyone gets excited as soon as they hear about vacations. While there are no two views about the numerous ways traveling can help improve our health, mood, and perspective, it can also put you out of your comfort zone and at risk of various health issues. Traveling, living in hotels, eating new types of foods, and weather changes can bring several health challenges. They may not always be serious, but when you’re on a vacation, even minor health problems like headache or an upset stomach can ruin all the fun.

Don’t risk your health and make the most of your vacations by packing yourself an herbal medicine kit with a few essential herbal capsules and tinctures. Have no idea about what herbs you should carry while traveling? We’ve got you covered!

Following are the top three herbs everyone should take while going on a vacation:

1. Ginger

Traveling makes many people nauseous where as all those new foods can cause upset stomach. Ginger works great for both. It relieves nausea and vomiting, offer relief from motion sickness, and has incredibly amazing carminative properties. It also works as a circulatory tonic.

Add a few drops of organic ginger tincture into your morning tea or water to prevent nausea, motion sickness, and support healthy digestion during your vacay.


2. Eleuthero

Also known as Siberian Ginseng, the root of Eleuthero plant is one of the best kept herbal secrets to improving strength and stamina; something you really need during travels. The last thing you would want on a vacation is to miss fun, adventurous activities just because you lack energy, have low stamina, or feeling tired. Get your body ready for all the adventurous expeditions with Eleuthero root.  The herb is also known to help boost the immune system.


3. Echinacea

Echinacea is a multi-purpose herb that comes in very handy while traveling. The root of Echinacea plant is known to help the body fight against infections is widely used to reduce the symptoms and recover from common cold, cough, flu, and fever. Research also suggests that the herb can help reduce pain, boost the immune system, and also has antiviral properties.[1]

A lot of people also experience travel anxiety and Echinacea is purported as a great herbal aid for anxiety. According to research, the anti-anxiety properties of Echinacea plant come from the naturally-occurring alkamides, caffeic acid, and rosmarinic acid.[2]


Make the Most of Your Vacations with Herbs

Herbs are great aids for a range of health issues that people commonly experience while traveling. Don’t let anything ruin your fun. Carry these herbs in form of organic tinctures or capsules to feel the best even when away from your home, city, or country, and make the most of your time with loved ones.



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