Library of Nature: Goldenrod

The Goldenrod is well-known among the many medicinal plants that we can find thanks to its many properties, including being a diuretic. If you want to know more about this plant, this article is for you!

What is Goldenrod?

The Goldenrod (Solidago Virgaurea) is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in the wild in cold zones of Europe, Asia, and North America and blooms from July to July September. It is usually 10 to 60 cm tall, with a polished, erect, cylindrical shaft, dark in color. Due to its properties, Goldenrod had been used since ancient times as a natural ally of the human body.

Benefits and Properties of the Goldenrod

The properties of the Goldenrod are diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant, thanks to the following active ingredients: saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, tannins, essential oil, resins, bitter principles, among others.

Among its benefits, we can point out:

Natural Diuretic

Goldenrod is known for its diuretic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is indicated in inflammatory states of the lower urinary tract and in the presence of kidney stones. It is also used as a typical ingredient in natural drainage supplements, intended to treat water retention and cellulite blemishes. Its diuretic and purifying action also make it useful in the presence of gout.

The Goldenrod should be associated with a diet rich in liquids and foods of plant origin to allow the body to burn fat and calories in the fastest way, cleaning the lymphatic system.

Purify the blood

The Goldenrod can be considered an excellent blood cleanser thanks to its property of increasing the volume of urine and eliminating the waste of nitrogen and uric acids.

In addition, because of its anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic action, it becomes a valid remedy in alleviating the symptoms of urinary tract diseases and kidney stones, as well as in the prevention of conditions that affect the urinary tract.

It can be used on the skin

The Latin name Solidago means ‘to do everything’. The flowers and leaves can be infused with oil or used as a poultice for wounds and burns. It is also good to use goldenrod oil to massage tired, sagging muscles and arthritis pain.

Action against Allergies and Seasonal Colds

Goldenrod is also a pleasant antidote to seasonal ragweed allergies. Its astringent property soothes runny eyes, runny nose, and sneezing that accompanies allergies in late summer and early fall.

Its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties can alleviate a sore throat. As an expectorant, Goldenrod can help expel mucosa from the lungs. Try it with honey or as a tea with added honey. The diaphoretic property of Goldenrod helps open the pores of the skin to release sweat during fever.

How to take the Goldenrod?

You can prepare an infusion in a few simple steps: pour 3 grams of dried plant in 100 grams of boiling water and drink two or three cups per day.

In addition, you can use all aerial parts of the plant. The flowers are edible and make attractive salad dressings. The flowers and leaves (fresh or dried) are used to make the infusion mentioned above.

In addition, it is also available in tincture and in capsules as an active ingredient along with other herbs.

Goldenrod Contraindications

We cannot say that there are side effects if you take average therapeutic doses. However, it is not recommended for people suffering from particular diseases, such as heart problems, allergies or for pregnant women.

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