Top 5 Herbs For Migraine You Should Know About

herbs for migrain

In this day and age, almost everyone has heard about migraines. The word gets tossed around frequently, but it is a serious and widespread medical condition. According to a study, one in seven people globally has migraines.

A migraine is a severe type of headache. It is known to cause heavy pulsing or throbbing painful sensations, usually on one side of the head. Emotions like stress and anger or environmental factors like bright lights and flickering screens can trigger this kind of headache.

Many people have noticed that migraines come in stages, and some symptoms can alert you to an impending migraine. The signs aren’t always the same in all patients, as this condition affects individuals in unique ways. However, some symptoms reliably predict the stages of a migraine. We’ll walk you through them.

Stages Of A Migraine

Migraine comes in stages, from the prodrome to the postdrome. 

  1. Prodrome: This stage may begin hours or even days before the headache. You might notice symptoms like light sensitivity, bloating, fatigue, and severe thirst in this stage.

You may also notice an aura. This sensory phenomenon may involve seeing light flashes or tingling feelings down one side of your body.

  1. Attack: The headache begins in this stage. It starts as a dull ache that increases to a pulsing pain. You may feel nauseous or even vomit. These headaches may last for about four hours or up to three days.
  2. Postdrome: Once the headache lets up, you’re in the postdrome. This stage can last up to a day and exhibits symptoms like fatigue, crankiness, or lack of appetite. These may vary with individuals.

 Migraine Vs. Headache

 Migraine Remedies

Migraines can affect your life, preventing you from carrying out your daily activities, and that would not be ideal. While migraines can be a pain, some remedies can help resolve them quickly. With these, you can drastically cut down the length of your migraine attack. They include:

  1. Over-The-Counter Drugs: Some drugs help alleviate migraines. These drugs could be abortive (preventing further progression of the migraine if taken during prodrome) or preventive.

Drugs like aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, and caffeine might help with migraines.

  1. Home Relief Measures: While in the comfort of your home, you can ease your migraines without medication. These can be done through specific behavioral and dietary changes that help improve your condition.

These include avoiding bright lights and cultivating better sleep habits. Some effective herbs for migraine can also be taken to improve your condition. We’ll walk you through some of these.

Herbs For Migraine

Besides over-the-counter remedies, a few herbs have been proven effective in easing the distress of migraines. With these herbs for migraine, you can improve your condition swiftly.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is the last surviving member of an ancient order of plants. This ‘living fossil’ has been employed in many traditional Chinese remedies over the years, and it isn't surprising that it is an excellent herb for migraine.

This herb is noted for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also noted for its ability to dilate blood vessels. That makes Ginkgo a good remedy for migraines caused by reduced blood flow to the brain.


This herb for migraine was used to treat fevers in the past. That is where its name comes from. Nowadays, it is used in treating migraines through an active ingredient called Parthenolide.

This chemical is found in the leaves of the feverfew plant and has been proven to alleviate the pain of headaches. It also prevents smooth muscle spasms and reduces the production of prostaglandins.

This herb for migraine has been proven to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

White willow

This herb for migraine is also known as ‘nature’s aspirin.' The bark of the willow tree, especially the white willow, has been used to treat headaches and pains for centuries. Those ancient herbalists knew what they were doing.

Research has shown that the pain-relieving properties of white willow bark are achieved through an active ingredient called Salicin. This chemical is metabolized in the body to form salicylic acid. Guess another name for salicylic acid? That’s right, aspirin.

This herb for migraines can be ingested in many forms, from capsules to tea. Some people even chew the unprocessed bark, though we don’t recommend that.

Some precautions should be taken while consuming this herb, as excessive amounts can cause cramping and bleeding.


There aren’t many herbs that have as many uses as ginger. This ubiquitous herb is at home in every kitchen, adding its spicy taste to meals. It is also an essential aspect of traditional medicine, and has been for centuries.

Ginger is a herb for migraine known for its effects against nausea and vomiting, two symptoms of migraine attacks. The herb also increases serotonin levels in the body, which helps reduce inflammation.

This herb for migraine has also been proven to enhance the efficacy of certain migraine drugs.


Lavender oil is a popular essential oil. Beyond its uses for the skin, it can help relieve stress and ease migraines. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are known, so rubbing it on the skin would help ease your condition. But that’s not all. Even the scent is great for your head.

A study determined the efficacy of lavender oil scent inhalation by having a test group smell Lavender oil for fifteen minutes daily while another group smelled a control. The results showed a marked improvement in the conditions of the test group.

Add two to four drops of lavender oil to some boiling water and inhale the vapors for migraine relief.


This condition is not a walk in the park, but you should be in good hands with these herbs for migraines. If your predicament defies these remedies, we suggest you visit a healthcare provider. These herbs might work magic, but they don’t replace skilled professionals.

You can try these herbs and pick the best combination for you. With the right one, your migraines can be things of the past.

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