Are Freshly Squeezed Juices Good or Bad

Are freshly squeezed juices good or bad? This is an eternal debate. For some, fruit juices are a convenient alternative to eating whole fruits or at least a healthier alternative to sodas; for others, fruit juice is just a sweet drink that would increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease and should be avoided.

Is it because of the sugar or lack of fiber? Let's discuss this further!

Fruit Juices and Their Effects on Health

After having benefited from a healthy image, fruit juices are now singled out for being suspected of promoting overweight and obesity. Contrary to popular belief, from a nutritional point of view, a glass of fruit juice does not correspond to a single fruit.

For example, to make a glass of orange juice, you need at least three or even four oranges. In a glass of 250 or even 300 ml, the portion is, therefore, more caloric and sweeter than if you had eaten a fruit, not to mention that fruit juices contain less fiber.

The portions consumed are also a problem because it is more difficult to control what is consumed in the liquid version, and the feeling of satiety is less important than with whole fruit. In question, the fibers (important for transit, digestion, satiety) are crushed during the extraction process and are found in much less quantity in the final juice. A whole orange contains, for example, 2.2 g of fiber per 100 g against 0.28 g in 100 g of pure juice, i.e., approximately eight times less. In smoothies, there is a little more fiber than in a classic juice, but it is always mixed fibers that have nothing to do with the pure fibers of the fruits.

Freshly Squeezed Juices Affect Cardio-Metabolic Health

Several mechanisms can explain the harmful effects of sugary drinks on cardio-metabolic health. Liquids containing sugar induce lower satiety than solid, equal-calorie foods, and consuming them stimulates appetite, leading to excessive calorie intake, increased body fat, and decreased insulin sensitivity.

An excessive intake of fructose could in itself promote an accumulation of fat in the liver and induce insulin resistance, although this hypothesis remains controversial. These mechanisms have mostly been derived from studies on sugary drinks.

And here is what seems to be the culprit: the problem of fruit juices, it is not the sugar or fructose they contain, nor the lack of fiber, but the fact that it is liquid which makes it much easier to consume calories that eventually become excessive!

In other words, it is much easier to drink the equivalent of 10 apples in juice than to eat them!

Fruit juice, to be Limited

Fruit juices, whatever they are, are very sweet and low in fiber. If you drink it, it is recommended not to consume more than one glass per day. In the case of children, AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends no fruit juice consumption[1]. It suggests that fresh fruits are prefarable in children as they contain less sugar and provide dietary fiber.

However, one thing is certain that we need to consume more fruits and vegetables for our health, no one disputes this. But obviously, the goal to achieve five servings of fruits and vegetables per day is far from being met. In this regard, some studies argue that encouraging people to consume fruit juice daily can achieve their 5-a-day recommendation. The study also argues that fruit juice in the morning, even if it is not worth a whole fruit, is still a source of vitamin C, carotenoids and polyphenols that outweigh its sugary factor[2].

However, another fact that contradicts the belief and supports the consumption of whole fruits instead of juices is the loss of nutrients during the extraction process: vitamins, especially vitamin C, which oxidize quickly on contact with air and light. Thus, fresh juices are in no way healthier than consuming whole fruits.

We hope this information must have cleared your doubts about the consumption of freshly squeezed juices. Do not forget to share this information with your friends and family, and share your thoughts with us!

[1]American Academy of Pediatrics (2017). AAP Recommends No Fruit Juice for Children Under 1 Year. [Retrieved from]

[2]Benton, David, and Hayley A. Young."Role of fruit juice in achieving the 5-a-day recommendation for fruit and vegetable intake."Nutrition reviews 77, no. 11 (2019): 829-843. [Retrieved from]

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