Why Split Hair and Brittle Nails?

Split hair and brittle nails are some of the most common problems facing people regardless of their age. In response to this, you see more and more products in the market claiming to give you thick, healthy and shiny hair and nails. People opt for these products and ignore the actual cause of these issues. It is essential to remember that these are typically signs of a nutritional deficiency. Therefore, you first need to deal with what's happening inside the body to look beautiful outside.

There may also be medical problems such as malabsorption issues or others where you need to consult a doctor. However, in most cases, these issues can be dealt by fulfilling the body's nutritional needs. In addition to a healthy diet, there are natural alternatives that help to reinforce them. This article shares with you the medicinal plants that can improve your split hair and brittle nails naturally.

But, before we start exploring the herbs, it is essential to know the causes.

What’s Behind Split Hair and Brittle Nails?

The external beauty is synonymous with a well-nourished body, and therefore it is essential to ask ourselves what is behind unhealthy hair and nails. Because what is hidden is sometimes more influential than what we think. Some of the causes of split hair and brittle nails are:

Lack of Nutrients

Nutritional deficiency is the major cause of split hair and brittle nails. Start eating a healthy diet and consume all the essential vitamins and minerals through diet and supplements.

Lack of Hydration or Loss of Keratin

With age, your hair starts losing density and becomes more fragile and tends to break. It happens due to the lack of hydration or loss of keratin. Your nails also start to brittle with age. But don't panic: everything has a solution.

The first things you can do to avoid your hair and nail from damaging are:

  • Avoid using low quality dyes.
  • Use good quality conditioner.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Consume the nutrients that help strengthen the hair fibers and keep your nails healthy.

An Un-Known Cause

In some cases, towel drying and harsh brushing can be the reasons for split hair ends. If the hair is rubbed too hard, the hair cuticles weaken. This can be avoided by using a widepaddle brush and softly squeezing your hair in a towel to dry out excess moistures instead of rubbing. Likewise, biting nails can be one of the reasons for brittle nails.

Best Herbs for Hair and Nails


Rich in many active ingredients, nettle is the plant for beautiful hair and strengthened nails. Its aerial part is rich in many active ingredients: vitamins A, B, C and E, minerals such as magnesium, iron or silica, but also copper and zinc. Thanks to all these components, nettle is useful for repairing dull or split hair and stimulating its growth. It also helps strengthen brittle and fragile nails.

Witch Hazel

Traditionally used by Native Americans, Witch Hazel has a number of incredible medicinal and skincare properties. Its extract stimulates the hair follicles from the root, preventing hair loss and split ends and nourishing it.


Due tot he presence of a chemical, Alpha-pinene, and many useful vitamins and minerals, Rosemary copes well with hair problems. Also, taking a bath or submerging your hands in water containing Rosemary decoction can improve brittle nails. In addition to strengthening your nails, its antiseptic compounds will help keep them healthy and infection-free.

Your hair and nails are a reflection of your health, and therefore t is important to focus on the inner causes to look beautiful outside. Following some simple steps and integrating nature-gifted herbs into your routine can prevent your hair and nails from damaging.

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