How Can I Improve and Maintain My Posture?

The guarantee of good health starts from how we eat to how we sit. The back is one of the most delicate areas of the body, and a good posture is the best alternative for the prevention of injuries, aches and pains and thus preserves our health in the long term. This article shares with you some of the most useful tips to improve and maintain your posture.

But before that, let’s discuss why a correct posture is essential for you.

Why Should You Correct Your Back Posture?

  • Correcting posture can help you avoid injuries and generalized pain such as low back pain or muscle contractures.
  • A body with an aligned position allows you to work correctly. The muscles will feel free by not being subjected to strange positions that contract them, and this will improve your flexibility naturally and progressively.
  • Maintaining an upright posture and walking straight back naturally helps you feel more confident, full of strength, and relaxed.
  • Your internal organs work better because of a relaxed body avoiding pain.
  • With the correct posture, breathing becomes more fluid, digestion takes place in less time, and you will feel more active to carry out daily activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • A straight back can prevent muscle tension, reduce stress and anxiety. Correcting posture helps us to drain tension better while performing daily activities.
  • Back pain due to incorrect posture can be related to various situations: sports injuries, the aftermath of accidents, special conditions such as scoliosis or, in the most common of cases, due to a bad sitting position.

How to Improve and Maintain Body Posture

If you're standing

The best posture is the one that allows you to keep your back straight. Suppose you cannot maintain this posture due to the nature of your work. In that case, medical specialists recommend using lumbar girdles to help you correct your back posture so that you can maintain your spine verticality. In other words, you will try to throw your shoulders back, lift your neck, and gently push out your chest.

If you're sitting

The ideal is to have small support or footrest on which you can rest your feet. In general, people who, for whatever reasons, have to spend most of their time sitting (whether at work, school or home) should follow the following tips:

  • Find an adjustable backrest that mimics the curvatures of our spine. If the chair does not have a backrest for the lower back curve, you should use a cushion to ensure that the back is well supported.
  • If you work with the computer screen, it should be 45 centimeters away and at the level of our eyes.
  • Get up periodically to stretch and relieve muscle tension.
  • Take a little walk to loosen up your muscles.
  • Your feet must touch the ground.
  • Don't cross your legs.
  • Do not sit hunched in the shape of a C. A straight back where the spine can stretch and maintain its natural ergonomics can correct and prevent headache, numbness of arms, hands and muscles.

If you're are lying down

 You should avoid sleeping on your stomach and try to adopt a posture where a certain lateral inclination can be maintained, such as the fetal position. The pillow must be thick enough so that our neck remains horizontal with the rest of the back.


Now you know some of the most valuable tips with which you can improve and maintain your posture. Remember that the most important is to maintain a healthy weight adjusted to your height. Only then will you be able to maintain your correct posture. For health benefits, you can incorporate supplements into your diet to keep you stay healthy and active.

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