Habits that Spoil Your Teeth

Since childhood, we have instilled a series of routines to properly care for the health and hygiene of our teeth, such as brushing our teeth twice a day, using dental floss and mouthwash, regularly visiting our dentist, etc. However, beyond these healthy habits, some bad habits are detrimental to our teeth that we do daily but do not realize.

Let’s discuss those habits that spoil your teeth and some tips on how to take care of dental health!

Everyday Habits That Damage Your Teeth

Biting Hard Objects

There are many everyday objects that we often bite into almost unconsciously. Bad habits such as biting objects, pencils, pens, fingernails or wooden sticks can cause small fissures or fractures and promote the wear of our teeth. They can even seriously damage dental sensitivity.

Using Teeth as Tools

Cutting tape or string, opening wrappers or unscrewing bottle caps with your teeth; who hasn't ever done it? Sometimes we use our teeth as tools without being fully aware that it is a habit that can fracture and wear them down. Let's avoid accidentally damaging our teeth by using the right tools.

Sugar Loaded Carbonated Beverages Abuse

Carbonated beverages usually contain a high dose of sugar, and especially acids (citric, phosphoric, tartaric and carbonic), which in the long run can erode the protective layer of the teeth. That is why its regular consumption can lead to the loss of enamel, greater exposure of dentin and increased tooth sensitivity, in addition to promoting the appearance of the dreaded cavities, among other dental infections. Consume such drinks moderately, without forgetting to brush your teeth after taking them.

Drinking too Much Coffee and Tea

Drinks such as coffee and tea, to which the majority is so accustomed and which today are a great trend in consumption, can stain our teeth. Luckily, proper oral hygiene can solve this problem.

Brush Your Teeth immediately After Eating

Although it seems strange, it is not recommended to brush your teeth right after eating. It seems logical to think that the best time to brush your teeth is after eating. Still, it is a wrong idea for an important reason: after eating or drinking, the pH of the mouth decreases and the acidity level increases, and if we brush, we rub the acid on the teeth and spreading it through the mouth. On the contrary, if you brush your teeth after 30 minutes, you will allow the saliva to reduce the food acidity without rubbing these substances against your teeth.

Not Changing Your Toothbrush Frequently

Do not wait for the toothbrush to wear out. It would be advisable to change it at least every three months. The main reason is that they become less effective in removing plaque and food debris from the teeth and gums after this period. In addition, long-term bacterial growth on toothbrushes can be detrimental to oral health.

Using the Wrong Toothpaste

Just as important as changing your toothbrush frequently is choosing the most suitable toothpaste. Remember that some kinds of toothpaste are so abrasive that they can damage the enamel. When choosing your toothpaste, it is advisable to select those that contain fluoride, an essential component to keep all the bacteria at bay.

Now that you know the everyday bad habits that spoil your teeth break them and ensure your teeth protection. Do not forget to share this information with your loved ones and let us know about your experience!

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